
Lets play in English - Roundtrip of the USA A2-B1

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66.00 Lei
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Level A2-B1 RULES OF THE GAME Stars on the back of the cards indicate the different levels at which the game can be played level A2 one star B1 two stars. The teacher or group leader places the material around him including the six packs. The youngest player starts the game by rolling the coloured die and answering the type indicated by the colour shown on the top of the die. The question is asked by the teacher or group leader. If the answer is correct then the player throws the second die with numbers on it and moves forward on the board according to the number shown. Then the next player has his her turn. The winner is the player who reaches the end of the trip. The teacher s booklet contains information on every city mentioned in the game and a list of useful websites for further information. MATERIALS 1 die with different coloured sides 1 die with numbers 1 board with a map of the U. S. A. and 125 numbered squares some with photographs on them 132 cards ided into 6 packs each of a different colour that indicated the type of question Yellow Riddles Blue Geography Orange Odd one out Purple Idiomatic Expressions Red History and traditions Green Grammar A teacher s booklet LINGUISTIC OBJECTIVES To extend vocabulary To favour the correct use of grammatical structures articles adjectives verbs question and negative forms Numbers up to 100 To become acquainted with culture history geography of the U. S. A. To promote the learning of idiomatic expressions Target Primary Secondary Schools Age group 8-15 Levels Common European Framework A2-B1 Components The box 21 5x14 5 cm contains -1 board -2 packs of 66 cards -2 dice -teacher s guide


Brand ELI
Anul publicarii 2015


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