
IELTS Express Upper-Intermediate Workbook - Richard Howells

Cod produs: 9781133316206
National Geographic Learning
Anul publicarii 2012
Numar pagini 96
Grup de varsta 15 - 18 ani
Limba Engleza
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  • IELTS Express is a two-level preparation course for candidates studying for the International English Language Testing System examination (IELTS). IELTS-type tasks and practice activities provide students with the essential skills they need for exam success.
  • IELTS Express Upper Intermediate Workbook is the ideal companion to the IELTS Express Upper Intermediate Coursebook. It provides further practice of the skills and task types covered in the Coursebook as well as key vocabulary and grammar needed for exam success. The Workbook is specially designed for candidates at IELTS 5 and above. It can also be used on its own as self-study material for an IELTS preparation course.
  • The Second Edition has been revised with new and updated reading and listening texts and new photographs, charts and graphs.

Additional features of the Workbook include:

  • Full coverage of all four IELTS modules.
  • An Audio CD with all the Workbook listening material as well as recorded speaking models to help learners prepare for the exam interview.
  • The Language Bite feature which focuses on essential grammar for the Writing and Speaking Modules.
  • A vocabulary page in every unit covering: Word building, Vocabulary in context and Vovabulary revision.
  • Four, two-page Vocabulary Reviews highlight useful words and expressions for the exam.
  • Detailed answer keys, listening scripts and model essays.


Brand National Geographic Learning
Anul publicarii 2012
Numar pagini 96
Grup de varsta 15 - 18 ani
Limba Engleza
Materia scolara Limba engleza
Gen Carte scolara
Subgen Carte auxiliara
Tip carte Didactica
Abilitati dezvoltate Invatarea


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