
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery. Paperback

Cod produs: 9780199699476
Oxford University Press
Anul publicarii 2020
Numar pagini 1056
Limba Engleza
Gen Medicina
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264.00 Lei
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This bestselling Oxford Handbook has been thoroughly revised for the new edition to include brand new chapters on Paediatric Orthopaedics and Common Surgical Procedures, as well as new presentations, illustrations, and new anatomy and emergency indexes to aid quick reference. It is an invaluable tool for junior surgical trainees, medical students, nursing, paramedical, and rehabilitation staff. The handbook covers the assessment and preparation of the patient, anaesthesia and critical care, inflammation, wound healing and infection, and the key components of general surgical practice, as well as chapters on other surgical specialties, including plastic, paediatric, and orthopaedic surgery. There are step-by-step descriptions of common operative surgical techniques, practical hints and procedures, and information on signs, symptoms and rarities. Emergency presentations are clearly identified for rapid reference and investigations and management plans are set out in a clear and easy-to-follow way. Surgically relevant anatomy and physiology has been expanded for each area, quick reference symbols ensure the reader is guided to key facts, and there is an increased focus on evidence-based practice with key references throughout. A cut above the rest, this is the essential guide to clinical surgery and the surgical specialities.


Brand Oxford University Press
Anul publicarii 2020
Numar pagini 1056
Limba Engleza
Gen Medicina


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