
Pingpong Neu 3 - Pachetul elevului Limba germana, manualul si caietul elevului pentru clasa VII-a

Cod produs: 7661
Anul publicarii 2011
Grup de varsta 12 - 14 ani
Limba Germana
Proprietati Didactic
Vezi toate specificatiile
104.50 Lei
In Stoc
Livrare estimata: Miercuri, 12 Mar. - Vineri, 14 Mar.
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  • Pingpong Neu 3 Arbeitsbuch, caiet de limba germana pentru clasa a VII-a - Monika Bovermann

The exercises in the  workbook  are clearly assigned to the learning steps in the textbook. Each lesson contains reading texts with tasks that train reading comprehension, as well as tests with which the learners can check their own learning success. Pronunciation exercises conclude each lesson.
The exercises in the  workbook  are suitable for use in class as well as for independent work at home.


  • Pingpong Neu 3 Lehrbuch. Manual de limba germana pentru clasa a VII-a - Manuela Georgiakaki, Gabriela Kopp

Ping-pong new  addresses the demands that modern language teaching places on a textbook for young people.
An authentic everyday language is conveyed on the basis of youth-related topics and situations.
The dialogues and situations are designed in such a way that the learners can communicate with each other from the very first lesson. Active learning keeps people interested in the new language and its environment. Group work, games and songs provide variety and stimulation of different learning impulses.

The learning material is offered in short, manageable units that are self-contained. At the end of each unit there is an amusing text with reading comprehension exercises. This is followed by a summary of the grammar structures and the active vocabulary. (In this way, the learner is aware of what he has already learned in small steps.)

Learning tips lead to self-directed learning right from the start. They give students the opportunity to discover how they can make their individual learning process more effective. This is a step towards self-directed learning.
In the  workbook  tests are offered by which the learner can control themselves. The  teacher's manual also  offers templates for further tests.


Anul publicarii 2011
Grup de varsta 12 - 14 ani
Limba Germana
Proprietati Didactic
Tip coperta Necartonata
Materia scolara Limba germana
Semestrul Ambele
Gen Didactic
Subgen Carte auxiliara
Tip carte Caiet de activitati
Abilitati dezvoltate Invatarea


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