
Surgical semiology. Volumul 1 - Cosmin Moldovan

Cod produs: 9786062715861
Anul publicarii 2020
Numar pagini 138
Limba Engleza
Gen Medicina
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40.00 Lei
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This volume of surgical semiology, published by Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest, with the professional help of the Hamangiu Publishing House, is a classic editorial work of semiology brought to current standards, through which the authors have tried to convey much of their surgical experience to the young generations of doctors, both through the way of teaching and presenting in full a course and by using the best ways of assimilating knowledge, in an attractive style, using an appropriate, easy-to-understand language.

The published volume is aimed primarily at students of medical faculties, but also at young doctors in full training, who want to embrace a surgical career, in order to facilitate their understanding of the biological bases of surgery, the profound physiopathological interpretation of diseases or surgical complications, the therapeutic, anatomical, functional and evolutionary explanation of the surgical act, as well as its consequences. Physiopathological explanation of disease signs, the exposure of therapeutic remedies of symptoms, the synthesis of desiderates and objectives of surgical interventions, explanation of pathological anatomy, histopathology or immunohistochemistry are brought together to constitute a compact, comprehensible and understandable unitary whole, which emerges from each chapter of pathology.

This first volume covers the following chapters: the esophageal syndrome, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, hiatal hernia, ulcerous disease, gastric cancer, gallbladder lithiasis, liver hydatid cyst, liver cirrhosis, hepatic syndromes, portal hypertension syndrome, surgical jaundice, pancreatic semiology, abdominal defects. It also features a chapter dedicated to clinical case presentation plan layout.


Brand Hamangiu
Anul publicarii 2020
Numar pagini 138
Limba Engleza
Gen Medicina


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