
Varieties of World Making. Beyond Globalization. Studies In Social And Political Thought - Nathalie Karagiannis, Peter Wagner

Cod produs: 9781846310201
Anul publicarii 2007
Numar pagini 304
Grup de varsta 18 ani+
Limba Engleza
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20.00 Lei
In Stoc
Livrare estimata: Luni, 23 Dec. - Marti, 24 Dec.
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Globalization has been the topic of heated debate in recent years, with one side asserting it will produce a better standard of living for people around the world, and a fierce opposition arguing that it will ultimately lead to greater poverty and the destruction of unique human cultures. Varieties of World Making tackles the issue from a different angle, proposing that the contemporary global network of business, politics, and culture be viewed from the interdisciplinary perspective of “world making.”

Drawn from the elite ranks of sociology, law, international relations, political philosophy, and history, the distinguished contributors cut through polarized rhetoric to examine the current global situation. Their proposed diagnoses draw upon thoughtful analyses of various political dilemmas whose ripple effects are felt around the world, such as the volatile relationship between Islam and Europe, or the legal foundations for a true international order free from the shadows of imperialism. Varieties of World Marking will be an essential resource for all those grappling with the complex consequences of globalization for the future.


Brand Astro
Anul publicarii 2007
Numar pagini 304
Grup de varsta 18 ani+
Limba Engleza
Tip coperta Necartonata
Gen Literatura universala
Tip carte Clasica
Abilitati dezvoltate Invatarea


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