
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

Cod produs: 9780141321073
Anul publicarii 2008
Numar pagini 144
Grup de varsta 9 - 11 ani
Limba Engleza
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43.28 Lei
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You never know where you'll find yourself in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll!

Join Alice in Wonderland, where nothing is quite as it seems.

On an ordinary summer's afternoon, Alice tumbles down a hole and an extraordinary adventure begins. In a strange world with even stranger characters, she meets a grinning cat and a rabbit with a pocket watch, joins a Mad Hatter's Tea Party, and plays croquet with the Queen! Lost in this fantasy land, Alice finds herself growing more and more curious by the minute...

With a brilliant introduction by Chris Riddell, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is one of twenty much-loved classic stories relaunched with gorgeous new covers.

The book includes a behind-the-scenes journey, including an author profile, a guide to who's who, activities and more..

Lewis Carroll, born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-98), grew up in Cheshire in the village of Daresbury, the son of a parish priest. He was a brilliant mathematician, a skilled photographer and a meticulous letter and diary writer. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, inspired by Alice Liddell, the daughter of the Dean of Christ Church in Oxford, was published in 1865, followed by Through the Looking-Glass in 1871. He wrote numerous stories and poems for children including the nonsense poem The Hunting of the Snark and fairy stories Sylvie and Bruno.


Brand Puffin
Anul publicarii 2008
Numar pagini 144
Grup de varsta 9 - 11 ani
Limba Engleza
Tip carte Clasica
Abilitati dezvoltate Imaginatia


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  • Lavinia


    O editie superba a cartii Alice in Tara Minunilor, in engleza. Recomand, este minunata. Pret foarte bun, calitate

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