
Way Ahead 6, Grammar Practice Book, (Caiet de gramatica engleza pentru clasa VIII-a)

Cod produs: 9781405059299
Anul publicarii 2010
Numar pagini 96
Grup de varsta 12 - 14 ani
Limba Engleza
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25.00 Lei
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Livrare estimata: Luni, 17 Mar. - Marti, 18 Mar.
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This popular six-level course has now been revised to make it even more accesible and appealing to young learners of English.

Key features of this NEW EDITION

NEW All books have been redesigned to include more photographs, giving a fresher, more modern look to the course
NEW General content has been updated, e. g. using computers in the classroom and at home
NEW Scope and Sequence at the beginning of each Pupil's Book make it easy for children and parents to follow the syllabus. All books now include word lists.
NEW The Grammar Practice books have been expanded to provide even more recycling and revision, plus a new section on handwriting skills
NEW More cross-curricular Reading for Pleasure pages at each level, with detailed teacher notes, which can make a complete lesson or mini project
NEW A new Story Audio Cassette for each level which contains all the Reading for Pleasure pages. it offers an enjoyable way to consolidate and develop reading, listening and pronunciation skills. Story Audio Cassettes for Levels 1-3 also contain the material from the accompanying Way Ahead Readers
PLUS Key features of the old edition that pupils and teachers know and love

Imaginative and fun child-centered activities which reinforce language work
Topics which are relevant and appealing to children's interest
A strong grammar syllabus which is clearly presented and practised
Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills which are dealt with systematically
Way Ahead Readers, providing reading practice
Comprehensive support for the teacher

Teacher's Book - full teaching notes and particular help with teaching the alphabet, plus extension activities and photocopiable tests
Teacher's Resource Book - 50 photocopiable activities including cut-out activities, paper crafts and finger puppets (the Teacher's Resource Books at level 4-6 are now combined with the main Teacher's Books)
Posters - for practising vocabulary and structures, playing games, and for reading and writing practice
Flashcards - for presenting new vocabulary
Alphabet Frieze - for introducing and reinforcing alphabet sounds
Way ino English - comprehensive Starter Book practising handwriting
This popular six-level course has now been revised to make it even more accesible and appealing to young learners of English.

Anul publicarii: 2010
Format: 19x25
Pagini: 96


Brand Macmillan
Anul publicarii 2010
Numar pagini 96
Grup de varsta 12 - 14 ani
Limba Engleza
Proprietati Carte scolara
Tip coperta Necartonata
Format 190 x 250 mm
Materia scolara Limba engleza
Semestrul Ambele
Gen Carte scolara
Subgen Carte auxiliara
Tip carte Didactica
Abilitati dezvoltate Invatarea


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